Friday, July 29, 2011

13 months

Here is what Madelyn is up to lately! Madelyn..
is army crawling a few inches at a time
is walking a few steps when someone holds her hands
transitions from sitting to her tummy independently
transitions from all 4s to sitting with some support
has really improved with drinking from her straw cup
drinks a bottle in the morning, a small bottle after lunch, and one before bedtime
sleeps about 3-4 hours during the day (one or two naps) and 11 hours at night
loves books and music
does some motions to "Patty Cake" and "Baby Fishy" using mommy's hands
is really picky about what she eats but still loves grilled cheese sandwiches
loves dancing with mommy
gives kisses when asked and turns on/off the light switch when I ask
gives 'high-fives'
imitates "blah blah blah" and says "mamama" a lot
is begining to imitate the sign for "more"
is very attached to her mommy

Madelyn is seeing her Occupational Therapist at Wesley every other week and her Physical Therapist once a month. She has a Rainbows teacher who comes out twice a month to work on a variety of skills. In about a week, mommy will be going back to work, and Madelyn will go to Grandma Zoo's house 4 days a week. I know they will do so many fun things together!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


We have been busy this summer! Lots of swimming, parties, playing, therapy, walks, story time at the library, and hanging out with family. Aunt Katie brought Maddie this t-shirt from Chicago! And she spilt water on it within a few minutes. Maddie loves her cousin, Dane. She is trying to give him a kiss! Playing with Talia at Grandma Debbie's house. Ready for the Fourth of July party! Maddie likes to hold Bella's leash while we are on a walk.