Friday, February 18, 2011

8 Months

Madelyn turned 8 months on February 8th. She is such a big girl! She recently started sitting by herself for long periods of time. She will usually smile and give me a little "heh" laugh when I tell her good job and that I am so proud of her. Maddie puts everything in her mouth! She also has a first tooth coming in. Maddie loves to eat- and she usually wants to hold onto the spoon when I am feeding her. She also loves to put her hands in her mouth immediately after I give her some food.

She can hold a small bottle by herself but still needs help with the big bottles. Maddie reaches for toys when she is on her tummy, sitting up, and on her back. She isn't showing any interest in crawling yet. I try to be patient and remember that she will do it when she is ready. Maddie has improved with activating toys and is starting to show a preference for certain toys. She loves her puppy that sings (Leap Frog I think) and will get mad if she can't get it to sing on her own.

A couple weeks ago, Maddie started saying "mamamama" and "mom". It is so cute! Every month I say to myself, "this is the best age." Eight months is so much fun! I know it will just keep getting better.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We are home!

Madelyn had open heart surgery on Wednesday, January 19th. We left for Kansas City the Monday before her surgery and stayed at the Ronald McDonald House next to the hospital. We were so impressed with the RMH! It was very nice and welcoming. Different groups came in to make dinner each night and there was a ton of food available that people had donated. We met a lot of other families going through stressful situations and even several kids with Down syndrome. One night we played BINGO and won some prizes that had been donated. I never realized RMH was such a great charity.

Maddie at her echocardiogram appointment on Tuesday before surgery.

On Tuesday morning, Madelyn had several pre-op appointments. We also met with her surgeon and anesthesiologist. Maddie's grandma Debbie came up that afternoon and we all went to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. YUM! Wednesday morning came and we had to be at the hopital ready to check in for surgery at 6:00 am. Madelyn was the first cardiac surgery. By 7:15, they had her in the operating room. We were able to see her around noon, when she was finally settled in her Pediatric Intensive Care Unit room. Her grandma zoo also was there to see her after surgery. Maddie's grandpa, Papa, Grandma Janet, and Aunt Tisha also came to see her over the weekend.

Madelyn after surgery. She had so many machines and tubes and medications going.

Madelyn has a narrow airway, and the breathing tube caused some damage to her airway below her vocal folds. She had some noisy breathing after they removed the breathing tube, so she had a procedure done on Tuesday to remove the scar tissue that was blocking 50% of her airway.

Maddie on day 6 in the PICU.

We anticipated leaving the PICU on Friday or Saturday, but we ended up staying there for 8 days. It was exhausting, and we were SO excited when Maddie was finally moved to the cardiac floor. She had her own room and bathroom, could have as many visitors as we wanted, and we could eat in her room! It's funny how those little things meant so much to us at the time. It was also much more relaxed than the PICU, and no one really bothered us too much.

Sleeping with her bug in her room on the fourth floor- FINALLY!

Getting ready to go home!

By Friday afternoon, Madelyn was doing great and we were on our way home. I am off of work for two weeks while Maddie recovers. She has been a little more tired and a lot more crabby since before her surgery. She is also having some trouble with swallowing, so she is having a swallow study done tomorrow. Other than that, she is doing great. I can tell she is happy to be home!