Friday, December 23, 2011

18 months

Maddie is 18 months old! Here are some of the new things she is learning:

She cruises in her crib and along the coffee table and has gotten a lot quicker at crawling!
She says "mmm" when I ask what a cow says or when she sees a cow,
She knows about 15 signs,
She still LOVES her Baby Signing Time DVD and will throw a fit when I turn it off,
She can turn and then slide down to get down from the couch,
She can climb 4 stairs,
She hides her face when she sees any man besides her daddy,
She loves to eat pancakes and says "mmm" when she really likes something she is eating,
She gives lots of kisses to her mommy and daddy!
She laughs when her daddy holds her upside down, and
She loves listening to music and dancing!